The Disability Resource Center approves accommodations for students based on an interactive on-going process with students to meet their individual needs. Below is detailed information and procedures associated with the accommodations for students to follow.
What are accommodations?
Accommodations are changes to the learning environment that remove barriers and provide engagement for all learners.
Accommodations DO NOT:
- Fundamentally alter course requirements
- Create an unfair advantage
Students need a current accommodation letter each semester in order to receive academic accommodations. Students must request individual accommodation letters to be sent for each course to their instructors. For more information regarding requesting accommodation letters, visit the Accommodation Letter page.
If students have questions, they should contact their Accessibility Specialist at to discuss their access barriers and accommodation implementation.
Academic Accommodations
Access to PowerPoint Presentations
The instructor provides copies of PowerPoints/presentations to the student.
Additional Breaks/Use of Restroom
Ability to use the restroom or take a break during class/lab.
Advanced Access to Syllabus, Assignments, and Deadlines
Assignment details, access to the assignment, syllabus, and due dates are provided to the student early. For online learning, students can work with their instructors to open online modules in advance when reasonable.
Alternate Format Textbook/Course Materials
The student is provided the textbook/course material in a different format other than its original format; size, audio to text, text to audio, etc. Students should check Hathitrust through the UF Library download free e-books available to all UF students. Students should check Bookshare to download free e-books available to students whom their Accessibility Specialist has provided them with a membership. For information about obtaining a membership, please email your Accessibility Specialist at If after checking these two free resources available to students, students should submit an Alternate Format Textbook Request Form for each required text. Students must provide a proof of purchase and it may take up to two weeks to fulfill the request. Students who already possess a print textbook may come to the DRC in Cypress Hall weekdays 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. to scan their book and/or print materials using the KIC BookEye Scanner. The BookEye Scanner is available on a first come basis; therefore, if the BookEye Scanner is already being utilized students will need to return at a later time or utilize another BookEye Scanner on campus. The KIC BookEye Scanner allows students to quickly and efficiently scan items into accessible formats, including PDF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF rich text, searchable PDF, or MP3. Files can be saved via USB, email, or cloud storage. In alignment with health and safety protocols, only one student can use the BookEye Scanner at a time. After which the DRC staff will need time to sanitize before the next student is able to use the scanner.
Request an Alternative Textbook
Arriving Late to Class/Leaving Early
Allows student additional time to report to/leave class without penalties to their attendance grade. Students should follow the procedures outlined on the Arriving Late to Class or Leaving Early Guidelines to determine a reasonable time frame with individual course instructors. For synchronous Zoom meetings, students are expected to arrive on time to their lecture. Unlike attending class in person, students may not experience the same barriers that may cause them to be a few minutes late.
Audio Recording of Lectures
Students may record a class lecture in the state of Florida as specified in House Bill 233/Section 1004.097. Here is an informational page to learn more about this:
Students should reach out to their Accessibility Specialist if they have any questions.
Eat/Drink in Class
Permission to eat/drink during class/labs.
Health-Related Class Absences
Additional absences past what the overall class is granted based on the objectives of the course. Students should follow the procedures outlined on the Health Related Absence Guidelines to discuss with their faculty to determine how this accommodation will be facilitated within their courses.
In-Class/Lab Utilization of FM System
Ability to use FM system/hearing aid to provide access to spoken words in the classroom/lab. Students may email our office at to request to complete an equipment loan agreement for an FM system to use in class.
Out of Class Time Extension
Additional time on short-time assignments where extra time is needed or when a student experiences a flare-up due to diagnosis. Students should follow the procedures outlined on the Out-of-Class Assignment Extension Guidelines to discuss with their faculty to determine how this accommodation will be facilitated within their courses.
Participation Plan
Students and instructors work together to determine a specific method of participation for a student. Students should follow the procedures outlined on the Participation Plan Guidelines to discuss with their faculty to determine how this accommodation will be facilitated within their courses. In online classes, participation may be measured by camera use and engagement in the chat. Please review the expectations set forth by the course syllabus and the department on camera usage, small group break-outs, and discussion posts. For example, a core component of a lab may require assessment and monitoring of engagement by: examining students’ performing lab skills and viewing students’ active involvement in presentations and discussions. Therefore, cameras must be on and students must be visible as a requirement for attendance and participation.
Presentation Plan
Students and instructors work together to determine a specific method of presenting for a student. Students should follow the procedures outlined on the Presentation Plan Guidelines to discuss with their faculty to determine how this accommodation will be facilitated within their courses.
Print Copies of Oral Instructions
Oral instructions for content are provided in writing to the student.
Take Medication/Monitor Glucose (Possible Use of Cellphone)
Ability to monitor glucose or take medication during class/labs.
Use of Laptop for Note Taking Purposes
Permits a student to use a laptop in class to take notes.
Use of Live Scribe Pen
Permits a student to use a Live Scribe in class. Students may email the DRC at to request to complete an equipment loan agreement for a Live Scribe pen to use in class.
Closed Captioning
Converting audio from video lectures into text that is displayed on the video. Students should follow the procedures outlined on the Closed Captioning Guide sheet which include submitting a separate Request Captioning or Interpreting Services Form for each course in which closed captioning is needed within the online learning environment.
Interpreting spoken English into American Sign Language (ASL) for communication purposes. Students should follow the procedures outlined on the Interpreting Guide sheet which include submitting a separate Request Captioning or Interpreting Services Form for each course in which interpretation is needed within the in-person, hybrid, and/or online learning environment.
The Disability Resource Center also facilitates ASL interpreting services for study groups, faculty meetings, advising appointments, campus events, student organizations, etc. Students registered with the Disability Resource Center and approved for interpreting services may request an interpreter by completing the appropriate form.
Live Captioning
Converting live audio into real-time text that is displayed on a screen. Students should follow the procedures outlined on the Live Captioning Guide sheet which include submitting a separate Request Captioning or Interpreting Services Form for each course in which live captioning is needed within the in-person, hybrid, and/or online learning environment.
Request Captioning or Interpreting Services for Inside or Outside of the Classroom
Request Captioning and Interpreting Services for Class
Request Interpreting Services Outside the Classroom
Educational Assistant
A student worker is hired to assist another student in/out of the classroom. Students should submit their course code, section number, and class days/times to their Accessibility Specialist at to request an EA.
Note Services
A student is provided notes from another student in their class or using note-taking technology. Students should request a note-taker and/or note-taking technology on the Direct Note Services website
ADA Table
Accessible table height that would permit a student utilizing assistive movement devices or those with injuries to access a desk. Students should submit their course code, section number, and class days/times to their Accessibility Specialist by emailing accommodations@ufsa.ufl.eduto request an ADA table within their classroom.
Additional Table for Educational Assistant
Additional table added so that an EA may sit next to the student they are working with. Students should submit their course code, section number, and class days/times to their Accessibility Specialist by emailing to request an additional table for EAs.
Preferential Seating
Students and instructors will work together for specific seating needs based on a student’s barriers.
Student Use of Chair
Access to sit on a chair during class/labs due to barriers.
Assistive Technology
Conquer literacy challenges with Kurzweil 3000-firefly, literacy software that enables you to read, comprehend, and demonstrate your knowledge. Technology-based tools and resources within the software help you to actively engage in authentic learning experiences in the way that work best for you. This, in turn, enables real learning to happen and helps unlock your true learning potential.
Kurzweil Education offers proven, research-based, literacy solutions that enable learners to address their own unique learning challenges and build the skills and confidence to succeed in academically rigorous environments. Using a multisensory approach to learning, students become independent, confident learners who can achieve rigorous academic goals. For more information on Kurzweil, watch their videos on Kurzweil Academy.
Request access to Kurzweil through UF Software Licensing Services – Kurzweil 3000.
Registration Accommodations
Permits the student to take less than the “full-time” amount of credits (12 for undergrad, 9 for graduate degrees). Students must request to utilize this accommodation every semester by completing the Reduce Course Load Request Form after the first day of the requested semester. An Accessibility Specialist will process the request and will notify the Registrar’s Office and Student Financial Affairs. Please allow 3-5 business days for RCL request to be processed.
Students should meet with their academic and program advisors to develop a semester and graduation plan that considers the student’s need for reduced course load. Students should meet with Financial Aid prior to submitting Reduced Course Load Request to discuss loans, scholarships, or grants.
Course-Related Accommodations
Accommodations Determination Appeal:
For more information visit our Accommodations Determination Appeal Process page.