About Us
The Disability Resource Center works with over 7,500 Gators with disabilities. We go beyond access, remove barriers, and engage with faculty and staff to promote an accessible campus community for all.
We champion a universally accessible community that supports the holistic advancement of students with disabilities.
We envision a universally accessible community where all individuals are seen as valued and contributing leaders of society.
The DRC removes barriers and engages with students, faculty, and staff to promote an accessible campus community for all
We do this by providing:
- Academic & Housing Accommodations
- Accessibility Consulting/ Appointments
- Education & Awareness
Our History
Prior to 1973, students with disabilities attended the University of Florida in small numbers and were served one-on-one by various campus offices. Initial efforts to provide comprehensive services were a result of a graduate student group in the Rehabilitation Counseling Department. This small group of students provided an initial accessibility survey of University buildings, and established the groundwork for what would become the current Disability Resource Center. In 2002, the Office for Students with Disabilities changed its name to Disability Resources. Four years later, in 2006, after Reid Hall’s basement was renovated, Disability Resources moved from Peabody Hall and changed its name to the Disability Resource Center (DRC).

Green Recognition for Office & Workspaces (GROW) is a program through the Office of Sustainability at the University of Florida that encourages and promotes sustainable practices among university faculty and staff. The program supports and promotes office that are taking steps towards reducing their environmental footprint. The Disability Resource Center was recognized with a SILVER certification through the GROW program in October of 2020.