Course Substitution Petition Overview

Students with disabilities who are unable to complete either the General Education Math or Foreign Language requirement due to the direct impact of their diagnoses, may petition for a course substitution. College degree requirements determine which courses may qualify for a substitution. Students should be mindful that course substitution requests may not be reasonable for courses outside of General Education Math or Foreign Language requirements. To complete a course substitution, please follow the process outlined below.

1. Students must first be registered with the Disability Resource Center. If you are not a student already registered with the DRC, please fill out the pre-registration form with our office as requesting a course substitution is considered an accommodation.

2. Once the pre-registration form is completed, please visit the DRC Appointments page to schedule a Course Substitution Consultation with the DRC liaison for course substitutions.

3. After attending this meeting, students are eligible to complete the course substitution petition(s).

4. The Course Substitution Committee meets the first Thursday of every month. To be eligible for review, all other steps must be completed, and the petition with materials received the Tuesday prior.

Course Substitution Information by Subject

Petitions for Courses Required by Major

Petitions for other substitutions relating to a disability are reviewed by the DRC Course Substitution Petitions Committee but follows a different process. Students should still meet with the DRC Liaison to discuss the specific process for these courses.

Course Substitution Appeal Process

Students who have not been approved for a course substitution request may submit an Accommodation Determination Appeal. The Accommodation Determination Appeal process and form can be found here.